
Minsh Newsletter 10

Dear all,

Trust you are well. On our end, we’ve been busy! Here is a summary of the features we’ve developed over the past few months. Let me know if you have any questions!

1) Give new users a preview (upon request)

It’s now possible to add a “carousel” on your login/signup page to introduce users to your app.

2) Check message date and time

You can now see at exactly what time a specific message was posted: just tap on its date and it will show you the time.

3) Broadcast messages (upon request)

Sometimes you’d like to ask a question to your entire user base, but you don’t want people to reply to you publicly. The broadcast chatbot allows you to automatically send a private message to every user, individually. You can then collect their replies directly from your admin dashboard.

4) Group Improvements

  • Each group now has a “description” field where you can add some prose to explain what it’s about.
  • Your users now have the option to leave a group without needing anyone’s intervention.

5) Disable public comments (upon request)

If you need to post messages to Everybody without your users adding in their 2 cents, we can now entirely disable the “comment” button.

What’s next?

In our todo list: video calls, room booking, folder system, and more, but most importantly, we’d like to hear it from you!

If you had to choose the next feature, which one would it be? Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!



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