
How to delete a member?

If you are an admin, there are two ways for you to delete a member: from the app or from your admin dashboard. Warning! There is no going back, so think twice before you delete a member!

Use the app

Here are the steps to follow in order to delete a user directly with the app:

  • Find the member you’re looking for (either use the search box in the member directory or find a message created by that person).
  • Tap on the member’s name or picture; you will then reach that member’s profile page.
  • If you’re an admin, under the profile picture, you can see a “terminate” button. Tap on that button and confirm.
  • The member and all associated posted content are deleted forever.

Use the admin dashboard

Users can also be managed from your online admin dashboard:

  • Open your admin dashboard.
  • Navigate to the “Users” tab if you’re not already there.
  • Use the search box at the top right or scroll down to find the person you want to delete.
  • Scroll all the way to the right and delete the user by clicking on the “Terminate” button.